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Professorship of Public Health Nutrition – Junior Professor Laura M. König

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Join us

We are currently not advertising any positions at the PhD or postdoc level. If you are still interested in joining our group, this is currently only possible via a scholarship. If you are currently living outside of Germany, you can find a list of scholarship opportunities on the website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

If you locate a suitable scholarship and would like to discuss the opportunity of our group hosting you, please get in touch with the following documents, no later than three months before the application deadline:

  • Cover letter outlining your motivation for joining our group (1-2 pages)
  • CV (including publications, if applicable)
  • At least one project proposal idea (1 page per idea)

Please note that the project should align with the group’s research foci (see also our publications) and take into consideration the available laboratory space and equipment, if applicable.

Webmaster: Juniorprofessor Laura König

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