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Professorship of Public Health Nutrition – Junior Professor Laura M. König

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Bachelor and Master projects

We currently accept Bachelor and Master students to write their thesis with us. You can either select a specific topic from the list of projects or suggest a topic based on the list of potential topics or the group's research interests. Theses can be written in either English or German.

Bachelor or Master thesis projects are usually empirical. They thus require students to be involved in study planning and data collection and furthermore will require them to analyse the collected data semi-autonomously. Although previous experience in conducting behavioural studies is desirable, it is not a prerequisite. However, students should be willing to acquire the necessary skills. They will be supported in the necessary steps by the supervisor and the group. Because the projects usually require some preparatory work (pre-registration, ethical approval) before data can be collected, it is advised to get in touch at least eight months before the planned submission date to discuss potential topics and the timeline.

List of ongoing projects that can be joined:

  • Impact of feedback on food choice
  • Digital assessment of diet

The projects are outlined in greater detail here.

Potential topics for which suggestions are welcome:

  • Health and science communication with a focus on nutrition or sustainable behaviours
  • Predictors or immediate psychological outcomes of eating behaviour in daily life (e.g., measured via Ecological Momentary Assessment)

If you would like to write your Bachelor or Master thesis with us, take a look at the outlined projects and contact Prof. Dr. Laura M. König with a completed application form. Applications close on 15 February 2023.

Ongoing Bachelor and Master projects

Esra Akad: title tbd

Reem Al Jawlahi: title tbd

Mirna Al Masri: title tbd

Roseline Amete: title tbd

Franziska Baum: title tbd

Gabriella Gunawan: title tbd

Aya Helmy: title tbd

Franziska Klojer: title tbd

Victoria Rocha: title tbd

Elisabeth Vogel: title tbd

Completed Master projects

David, Anna-Lena (2022). Die Auswirkung des Labels “ohne Zuckerzusatz“ auf die Einschätzung des Zuckergehalts von Lebensmitteln“ (unpublished Master thesis). University of Bayreuth.

Ehrecke, Olivia (2022). Untersuchung der Auswirkung von „Ohne Zuckerzusatz“-Labeln auf die Einschätzung des Gesundheitswertes von Lebensmitteln durch Verbraucher (unpublished Master thesis). University of Bayreuth.
Tauscher, Vanessa (2022). Der Einfluss von Ernährungswissen und Nahrungsmittelpräferenz auf den Zusammenhang von präferiertem Essentscheidungsstil und Essverhalten (unpublished Master thesis). University of Bayreuth.
Faber, Laura (2021). Quantitative deskriptive Analyse zur Erstellung von Geschmacks- und Texturprofilen von Zartbitter- und Vollmilchschokoladen mit ausgewählten Zuckeralternativen – Dargestellt an Produkten der Chocoladefabrken Lindt & Sprüngli GmbH (unpublished Master thesis). University of Bayreuth.

Straßberger, S. (2021). Ist der Gewichtsstatus von Kindeern abhängig von dem (intuitiven) Ernährungswissen der Eltern? Eine quantitative Untersuchung am Beispiel Zucker [unpublished Master thesis]. University of Bayreuth.

Terzic, Rebeka (2021). Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Anwendbarkeit von Ecological Momentary Assessment bei Smartphone-basierten Ernährungserfassungssystemen (unpublished Master thesis). University of Bayreuth.

Weiß, K. (2021). Vergleich der Effektivität von Videos, Podcasts und Online-Texten in der Ernährungskommunikation [unpublished Master thesis]. University of Bayreuth.

Webmaster: Prof. Dr. Laura M. König

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