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Professorship of Public Health Nutrition – Junior Professor Laura M. König

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Junior Professor Laura M. König

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Laura M. König, University of Bayreuth

Dr. Laura M. König received her PhD in health psychology from the University of Konstanz. Prior to joining the University of Bayreuth in 2020, she was a DFG-funded research fellow at the University of Cambridge. Her research interests include psychological determinants of health behaviours with a specific focus on eating, physical activity, and sedentary behaviour. With her research, she aims to contribute to the development of health behaviour interventions that can be implemeted at scale to improve health at the population level.

Selected publication:

Szinay, D., Forbes, C. C., Busse, H., DeSmet, A., Smit, E. S., & König, L. M. (2023). Is the uptake, engagement, and effectiveness of exclusively mobile interventions for the promotion of weight‐related behaviors equal for all? A systematic review. Obesity Reviews, e13542.
Professor Becca Krukowski

Professor Becca Krukowski, University of Virginia

Dr. Becca Krukowski obtained her PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Vermont, and she is a Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at UVA and co-lead of the Community Based Health Equity research program. The primary goal of her research is to increase access to health behavior interventions through technology, with a particular focus on treatment engagement, self-monitoring, and feedback. In her research, she loves questioning the way that we have always conducted our interventions, in order to decrease participant burden, improve efficiency and hopefully increase access. Her latest research projects have focused on weight management, smoking cessation, and medication adherence.

Selected publication:

Krukowski, R. A., & Ross, K. M. (2020). Measuring weight with electronic scales in clinical and research settings during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic. Obesity (Silver Spring, Md.), 28(7), 1182.
Professor Emmanuel Kuntsche

Professor Emmanuel Kuntsche, La Trobe Univeristy

Professor Emmanuel Kuntsche, the Director of the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR) at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, has been trained in Psychology (Universities of Jena and Bamberg, Germany), Sociology (University of Jena, Germany), Public Health (University of Maastricht, the Netherlands), and Statistics (University of Essex, UK). He is an expert in the intergenerational transmission of alcohol-related cognition from early childhood into adolescence. He is currently also investigating alcohol exposure in digital media with the artificial intelligence algorithm he developed. He has led or contributed to more than 60 national and international research projects and has obtained more than 11 million Euros of research funding. He has received career awards and personal funding from major agencies in Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, and the international Kettil Bruun Society for Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol.

Selected publications:

Labhart, F., Tarsetti, F., Bornet, O., Santani, D., Truong, J., Landolt, S., ... & Kuntsche, E. (2020). Capturing drinking and nightlife behaviours and their social and physical context with a smartphone application–investigation of users’ experience and reactivity. Addiction Research & Theory, 28(1), 62-75.
Schelleman-Offermans, K., Vieno, A., Stevens, G. W., & Kuntsche, E. (2022). Family affluence as a protective or risk factor for adolescent drunkenness in different countries and the role drinking motives play. Social Science & Medicine, 311, 115302.
Dr. Max Western

Dr. Max J. Western, University of Bath

Dr Max Western is a Behavioural Scientist whose research focusses on healthy ageing and the ways to use digital technologies for supporting health behaviour change. In particular, Dr Western has experience in developing, optimising and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions aimed at supporting lifestyle behaviours such as physical activity and exercise as a means to prevent poor physical and mental health. Dr Western focuses much of his research on older adults, and has led or collaborated on several projects exploring how to engage at risk populations such as those with pre-frailty or mild cognitive impairment in lifestyle behaviours to maintain independence and good quality of life. Dr Western also researches the equality of benefit of digital interventions and the psychological processes that can help bridge the digital divide between people of high and low socioeconomic status.

Selected publication:

Western, M. J., Armstrong, M. E., Islam, I., Morgan, K., Jones, U. F., & Kelson, M. J. (2021). The effectiveness of digital interventions for increasing physical activity in individuals of low socioeconomic status: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 18(1), 148.

The local organisation of the workshop is supported by:

Mirna Al Masri
PhD student

Verona Bähr
Student assistant

Webmaster: Juniorprofessor Laura König

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