Junior Professorship of Public Health Nutrition
Lifestyle behaviours such as unhealthy eating are leading contributors to overweight and obesity, which in turn are associated with non-communicable diseases, premature deaths and reduced quality of life. At the Junior Professorship of Public Health Nutrition, we study a broad range of determinants of eating behaviour and test digital and choice architecture interventions to promote healthy lifestyles.
To achieve this objective, we use a broad range of methods including realistic food replicas in laboratory settings and smartphone-based Ecological Momentary Assessment for collecting data in participants’ daily life. We are also interested in the validity of (digital) eating behaviour measurement to improve data quality.
If you are interested in joining the group as a PhD student or intern please continue reading here. If you are keen to join us as a student assistant or intern, please contact Prof. Dr. Laura M. König. If you are interested in writing your Bachelor or Master thesis with us please follow the instructions here.
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